Good to Great
No family aims for average. No family aims for the status quo. No family aims for ordinary. Greatness is not complicated. But you must start the journey. It begins with one simple question. Wanna know the question? This four-part series begins May 6th.
The Question Everyone is Asking- May 6th
The best question when pursuing greatness is this “What is the wise thing to do?” What if every parent, spouse and child would pause and ask this question? One of the keys to greatness is the ability to be wise when making life-changing decisions.
Ephesians 5:15-17
The Question Every Parent Must Ask- May 13th
“What would a great father or great mother do?” is the question every parent must ask. As parents we either encourage or discourage our children by the decisions we make as parents. Great parenting requires asking the question and then doing what is best for your child.
Ephesians 6:4
The Best Question Ever- May 20th
“What is the wise thing to do?” is the best question ever when it comes to building a marriage on intentionality and purpose. No one sets out to have an average marriage, but every relationship will drift if we are not careful.
Ephesians 5:21-33
What About My Questions?- May 27th
If greatness is built upon asking great questions, then we who are spiritually mature need to be ready to answer the questions of the next generation. They have them, the question is this, are we willing to let them ask them.
Ephesians 6:1-3