Grace > Sin

April 8th, 2018

April 8th, 2018

Next Steps


Romans 3:21-26; 4:1-8; 5:15-21; 6:1-4

“See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; and that no “root of bitterness” springs up and causes trouble, and by it many become defiled.” Hebrews 12:15 ESV

OPENING: What is grace? How has God’s grace impacted or transformed your life?

TEXT: Read Romans 3:21-26 slowly and in a variety of translations if possible.

1.          These verses contain many rich terms for us as believers/followers of Christ. Circle or highlight what you believe are the top 3 to 5 terms in this passage. How does Paul want you to define those terms? What is the big idea behind this passage? How does this passage support the series theme: Grace is Greater > You Can’t Outrun the Grace of God?

2.          What does this passage reveal to us about who God is? What does this passage reveal to us about who we are – both before Christ and after Christ? What does Paul want us to know about grace? How is grace different than, or perhaps like, a gift? What does Paul want us to know about sin and being made right (justified) before God?

3.          Why do we tend to justify our sin? In what ways do we to justify our sin? Most of us, can’t even live up to our own standards. Do you agree or disagree with that statement? How does grace shape this narrative? Why is it a bad idea to compare our sin with the sins of others? How might comparison cause us to miss out on the grace of God? What happens when we as believers minimize, or worse deny, our sin? What are the hurdles in your life that keep you from identifying, acknowledging and confessing your sin?

4.          Fill in the blank, GRACE >                                                         (with what you consider the worst type of sin). Solve the equation, GRACE >/<                                                           (with the sin you listed). How would your life be better if you viewed God’s grace > whatever sin you have committed? What are the barriers in life that keep us from believing God’s grace is greater than our greatest sin? Paul says in Romans 5:15 that the grace of God is MUCH MORE and ABOUNDING FOR MANY! How would outsiders view Christ and the church differently if we truly believed that God’s grace was greater than sin?

5.          DIG DEEPER: Compare Romans 3:21-26; Romans 4:4-5; Romans 5:15-18; and Romans 6:1-4. What does Paul want us to know about sin? What does Paul want us to know about salvation/redemption/justification? What does Paul want us to know about grace? What is the gospel (Good News) according Paul? How can these verses help us in sharing the gospel with others? What are the new big ideas that this study has taught you about grace? How can you experience much more grace in your life this week?

NEXT STEP: Confess your sin(s) before the Lord every morning this week and live full of grace!