We Love Sundays
We love to inspire people to celebrate our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! We believe it is vital to experience Jesus in community, that is why we gather each and every weekend to worship Him together. We have designed our worship service with one purpose in mind, to draw you closer to God and to help you take your next step with Him. Whether through music, prayer, video, story or teaching we want you to meet Jesus. We are excited to have you join us. We want your experience with us to be enjoyable and welcoming. We realize that visiting a church for the first time can be intimidating and confusing, but we want your experience to be easy and hassle-free.
Locations and Times
Our services begin at 10:00 am and our doors open at 9:30 am. We are located at 1606 Chapel Drive in Harrisonville on South Street (2 Highway). We have three parking lots for your convenience and our main entrance and sanctuary are located on the West side of the campus.
We have multiple entrances and parking lots, feel free to park and enter at any location.

Typical Service
Worship is upbeat and contemporary in style, led by a worship team. Our Sunday sermon is often part of a series that is aimed to inspire us to take our next step with God. Feel free to bring your Bible or to use a Bible app on your phone or device. The ESV translation is most commonly used in our services.
Come as you are. We are a casual church. You will find a range of styles from jeans and t-shirts, casual, to an occasional sport jacket and dress. Come however you are comfortable and you will fit right in.
Community Kids
Community Kids is all about building relationships. Your kids will love coming to church where classmates are close friends and teachers are trusted adults that love them. Active worship, engaging Bible lessons and fun games make the Bible relevant to their lives. They’ll discover that the God who created all things loves them and wants them to know Him.
Our Sunday morning experience includes nursery and three age/grade level classes for children 3 years of age through fifth grade. Team members are background checked and committed to speaking God’s love into the lives of our children. Special events are hosted periodically throughout the year.
We hope you’ll make plans to join us soon!