Next Steps
Psalm 9:1-2 (LESSON 4) June 24th, 2018
“I will thank the Lord with all my heart! I will tell about your amazing deeds!”
Psalm 9:1 NET
OPENING (PICK ONE OR MORE): When was the last time you praised/thanked the Lord with all your heart? What are the major hurdles that are keeping your from praising the Lord with all your heart?
TEXT: Read Psalm 9:1-2 in your favorite translations. IF TIME PERMITS: read Psalm 9 & 10.
1. David resolved to publicly praise the Lord no matter what! Where did David find the resolve to do this? What would it look like for you to praise the Lord publicly like David did in Psalm 9? Compare David’s five resolutions with one another. Why are there five and how are they different? How might the way we lament/grieve be different if we started with praise and thanksgiving?
2. STRONGHOLD/SAFE HOUSE: In verse 9, David viewed the Lord as a place of safety. How do you view your relationship with the Lord? How did his perspective of the Lord (see verses 3-8) impact his desire to praise/thank the Lord with all his heart? In what ways is our church a safe house for those in our church body and community? In what ways has the Lord been a stronghold for you?
3. ASK/SING. Larry Crabb says that every Christian should ask the hardest questions of the Lord, while singing their loudest praise. Do you agree or disagree? What are the hard questions that you are asking? Are you able to praise the Lord with all your heart during your tough times?
4. GIVE THANKS. David was intent on giving thanks to the Lord. How can you/we become more intentional in our thanksgiving and praise? Why do so many Christians hide from public worship amid their pain and brokenness? Thanksgiving and praise are the duty of Christians. They are signs/evidence of an intimate, personal and daily relationship with the Lord! If someone was watching your intentionality as it relates to praise and thanksgiving, what would they say?
5. DIG DEEPER: Read 2 Samuel 6. What do you think and feel when you read about David’s wholehearted worship? Why do you think Michal condemned David? Which role describes you; an undignified expression of praise or a condemning critical spirit of wholehearted worshipers? What would the Lord have to do in your life for you to sing, shout and dance like David?
6. WITH ALL MY HEART: What does the phrase with all my heart (full, whole) mean to you? David is using this phrase to describe public, not private, worship. Do you feel comfortable praising the Lord at church on Sunday morning with all your heart? David resolved to be happy/glad (9:2). How does one’s heart determine their resolve? Which is easier for you; to trust in the Lord with all your heart (9:10; Proverbs 3:5-6) or to give thanks with all your heart? Is one needed for the other?
NEXT STEP: Read Psalm 9 and 10 this next week. Highlight and circle key words and phrases. Write out your own thanksgiving resolve poem to the Lord (with at least 5 “I WILL” statements of praise).